Management Dynamics

Kati St Clair works with the management team of businesses, usually at board level. Her role is to improve the overall cohesion of the team so that decisions are made in the best interests of the company and its profitability. She helps the team see itself and its members with greater clarity. If management is working well, the entire culture of the organisation will change.
Commonly encountered issues include clashes between traditional and creative approaches, strong personalities and conflicts between specific individuals.
Initially, Kati St Clair attends a meeting of the management team where she assesses the dynamics between individual members and then works with the group to improve the interaction between them. This might be followed by further meetings with individuals. The duration of Kati St Clair’s involvement depends on the nature of the issues involved.
Unusually for members of her profession, Kati St Clair is able to work with individuals simultaneously even if there are clashes between them. She is able to act more as a catalyst of conflicting views and find the clearest way to solving difficult dynamics with all individuals concerned.
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